Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2010-2011 First Day of School!

Ok, So the clothes have been laid out since Sunday night. I got them both some new shirts. And I found Jack some shorts (50% off and then an extra 25%) I am my mother's child. We tried on the shirts but not the shorts. So when Jack put them on this morning they fell off and when I tried to fix the adjustable waist the button was missing. Thank goodness he had another pair clean that matched the new shirt.

Morgan woke me up at 6:45, thank goodness we set his alarm last night. Because I set mine for 6:15 PM. Needless to say we were a little rushed this morning.

Morgan took his shirt off, so he would not get food on his new shirt. Jack had a pop-tart(his usual). Morgan wanted egg muffins- a friends recipe where you scramble eggs add cheese and the meat of your choice. Then you put it in a muffin tin and bake until done. Last time I made them it took about 45 min for them to be cooked through. Since we were running late I didn't have time for that and he had cinnamon rolls.

After breakfast and teeth brushing we went to the porch for "first day of school" pics. Morgan has the Morgan smirk. Mom, Dad all those years you told Matt to stop smiling like "that". You know what? I don't think he could help it. For those of you who don't know my brother look at Morgan's picture below and that is how he smiles. It is either "that" smile or he looks like someone just burned his house down.

I told him to stop smiling that "that" and this is what I get.

This is Jack on the first day of First Grade!!! He is so excited.

Here are all three of the boys. I plan to take a picture the last day of school to see how much they have changed.

This is Jack outside his classroom. He has Mrs. Ensley and Mrs. Jones. I can't wait to hear how his day goes. I have heard wonderful things about them both. Looking forward to a great First Grade year.

This is Morgan walking into school. Check out that book bag. He was like "Mom you put way too much stuff in here." I reminded him that he would not be carrying all that everyday. He wanted me to walk him to class because this is a new school and he did not know where his class was. So Jaden and I walk him in. He goes to his class and I start back out of the building and notice I am still carrying some of his paperwork. So I take it back and hand it to his teacher Mrs. Ferguson. Then Jaden and I get back to the car and start out of the parking lot and what do I see beside me in the seat but Morgan's lunch. So I jump back out and run it in and hand it to the teacher. And I feel like she is saying "OK Mom just let go already. Go away..." Did I mention that he was 5 min late. We got off to a rough start. But we are looking forward to a great 4th grade year.

First grade is awesome and I got to hear blow by blow everything that he did all day long. And just as expected the first thing he said when he walked in the house was "can I play the game?"
Forth grade was good. Morgan said that Mrs. Ferguson was really nice and tomorrow they will get their locker numbers and change classes. He is really excited about that.

So all in all it was a good day!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Visit with Trey

Grandmother and Grandaddy called to say they were watching Trey and wanted to know if they could come by for a visit. We said of course. When I told Jaden that Trey was coming he said "My friend Trey?" He was so excited that Trey was coming to play with him.

Now Trey this is the playroom. Mommy says we should clean up when we're done, but as you can tell that rule is not enforced.

This is how WE roll.

Can I top that off for you sir?

I think they may have pulled everything out of the toy box and then played with stuff that was already out when they got here.

We had a great time with Trey and we hope that his Mommy and Daddy will let him come visit again one day. Maybe even stay all day if not overnight.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Future Hockey Star

Our future hockey star with his missing tooth.

So here's the story. A little over a year ago Jaden fell in the driveway and chipped his tooth. He fell many times after that all involving the same tooth. In June of this year he threw his head back while laughing. And I saw the backside of the tooth, where there was a big hole. Jack had a dentist appointment coming up so I called and ask if I could bring Jaden too. They looked at it, poked at it, and took a picture of it. Dr. Doug said he did not want to over traumatize him that day and asked that I bring him back in a week to have it filled. At that time they did an x-ray and saw that the hole runs all the way to the nerve. He said that it would do no good to fill it. Dr. Doug does not do sedation or laughing gas so we were referred to a Pediatric dentist in Charlotte. That is a much longer story dealing with insurance and the fact that you have to see their choice and not your own. But the dentist office in Charlotte was awesome and took wonderful care of my baby. The dentist in Charlotte said that the way the tooth was positioned every time he chewed it was rubbing against his adult tooth. So we will have to wait until the adult tooth comes in before we know the damage. He did so well today, he kept the gauze in and did not whine too much when he could not eat or drink for 3hrs during lunch time. I think watching Thomas helped. That is why in the pictures he is looking in the other direction. He ate yogurt and pudding for lunch and dinner. Jack picked out chocolate chocolate chip muffins for Jaden to eat for breakfast. Such is life with boys.

Uhh Ma, I can't see Thomas.