Today John and I took the boys to Speed Street in Charlotte. We saw all the driver's cars. The boys love to walk around and collect freebies from all the vendors. The past couple of years have been slim. I guess w/ the economy they are cutting back. One year they gave out matchbox cars, candy, slap bracelets, and other freebies. This year they had LONG lines to play a game where you win a free 2pack of Ritz Crackers. Today they did have a cool boat similator and an X-BOX racing game. Here are some pics.
The boys w/ the Cheerios Bee.
Morgan testing out his carting skills.

Jack testing out his carting skills.
Morgan and Jack w/ Jeff Gordan's car.

Me w/ my new Chevy Traverse.
Oh my, I saw the picture before I read the story. I was really getting excited for you!!!