Monday, March 7, 2011

Snow Jan 2011

In January 2011, we had a heavy snow storm. School was canceled for a week. Here is how we passed our time.

Morgan threw snow balls!

Jack was his target.
Buzz enjoyed playing in the snow.

I got my exercise by pulling Jaden around the neighborhood on a sled.

Then Jack decided that his legs were tired and jumped on the sled too. As you can tell he did not hold on to Jaden very well.

As we made our way around the 'hood' we noticed that the Stewart's had an awesome sledding hill. I think the boys sledded for about 2hrs. Jack and Jaden were cold and tired and wanted to go home. The Stewart's were nice enough to let Morgan stay for a while longer. That was the first time that we allowed him to walk that far in our neighborhood by himself.

This is our lovely home in the snow. I love our house and our neighbors.

Jaden loved being pulled in the sled. He wanted nothing to do with going down the hill in it though.

Morgan made some snow people on the deck. Then he had fun throwing snowballs at them and knocking them off the rail. We had fun in the snow but that was enough fun. We just about went stir crazy being stuck in the house all week.

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