She showed the cute little goldfish/pac-man cookie cutters made out of a soda can. Amazing right?
Nice neat little rows. BEAUTIFUL... if I say so myself.
Perfect little goldfish/pac-men.
OK so none of those were my photos. I wish! I stole/borrowed them from PW's facebook page. These are mine.
Future circle crackers.
Cheesy goodness. Notice the laptop in the background, so that I can read directions while I work.
Rolled out to desired thickness. After I washed my rolling pin. Jaden decided to roll Buzz while I was blending. Speaking of blending the blender does NOT work. I don't have a food processor so I tried to use the blender and it only blended stuff at the bottom. I am sure my friend Anna's girls would never try to roll out the dog!
Ta-da ready for our cookie cutter/ mini-medicine cup.
Tiny circles. If this turns out well and the boys like them, I might go to Michaels or Hobby Lobby and get fondant cutters to make different shapes.
Look at that perfectly rolled dog. Man, does that boy love his dog!
I think the feeling is mutual.
Finished product. To me they taste like cheese straws. The big question is "What did the boys think?
Jaden "Yucky, I not like dem."
Jack "Those are good, but why aren't they crunchy?"
Morgan "I don't want to hurt your feelings Mom but, Not Good."
If they had liked them I intended to make some parmesan or pepper jack. So the moral of the story is if you like them because they are crunchy you will not like these. Well I guess this saves me a trip to Micheals/Hobby Lobby were I would probably end up buying tons of other stuff that I really don't need.
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