Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mommy Dearest....

Have you seen the movie???  NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!!!  Well that is how I am with shoes.  Shoes MUST go on the stairs when you remove them.  Unless you are an adult that I am not resposible for getting anywhere on time with.  It never fails (this morning) I hit the snooze and had to rush around to get everyone up and ready.  Your kids feed off of your anxiety... Jaden cried about everything that he needed to do to get ready for school.  So we are all ready to leave except Jaden does not have on shoes. " Jaden go put on your shoes." Jaden "I don't know where they are!"(insert whiney voice) Me "They better be on the stairs."  Morgan and Jack are out in the garage/driveway getting soaking wet. I am yelling at them to get in the car and shut the door. And then tearing the house apart looking for Jaden's shoes.  Which were found ten min later on the stairs, right where they belonged.

1 comment:

  1. Ha!! That sounds like our house. Shoes go on the stairs. But next thing I know there are 3 pair in the den. Now you know we do not have a huge walk from one to the other, they are pratically in the same room. We have spent froever looking for shoes that were not in the right place. Drives me crazy. Too bad the one time they were in the right place it backfired. :)
