On the second day at the park we took the boys to the foam Pit. As you can tell the by the picture above they had lots of fun. First the hoses spray water everywhere. Perfect for a hot day. Then these fans blow bubbles/foam everywhere. The boys kinda freaked when it got in their eyes, but the guy said that there was no soap. I am not sure how they made the bubbles without soap? They were covered. Note to self, if going to a foam pit, do this right before getting in the shower! That being said: Morgan was worried that they would not allow him to play in the barn with bubbles all over him. So, he went to the bathroom to try to wash it off. Jack, Jaden and I went on into the barn while John waited for Morgan. John came in laughing. The more Morgan tried to wash off the bubbles, the more bubbles he created. The bathroom was a huge mess.

Jaden was not "allowed to go into the foam pit . So he played with the bubbles that escaped. They don't allow you to play in water and bubbles with sandals on. Yes! You should always wear tennis shoes not sandals while playing in water and bubbles! Sarcasm intended.

This cow was inside the barn along with some other barnyard animals. Jaden loved climbing on the cow. And crawling through the tunnel below.

For the older kids they had tons of "fruit" (soft foam balls). They had huge contraptions and guns that shot the balls all over the place. You could get a special armband that allowed you to earn points. To get points you had to place as many balls as possible into these receptacles. Cool way to get kids to clean up!

This is the boys watching the laser show. They loved it.

If you can't tell this is the sea of people around us at the laser show. Some people brought food for a picnic hours before the show even started. We just showed up both nights and got great seats. I can imagine it gets pretty crowded on the 4th of July. They payed tribute to Georgia natives Ray Charles, Oral Roberts, REM, Indigo Girls, Alan Jackson, and some others. They played The devil went down to Georgia. Georgia on my mind with Ray Charles and Willie Nelson singing. We would recommend that you go. Might want to plan for a cooler time of the year. It may be a mountain but it is not the mountains, if you know what I mean.
Loved reading about your vacation to Stone Mtn! I have added it to our list of places to go. FUN FUN!!